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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Solomon's Club System : GameBoy Date Added : 2005-01-22 11:59:52 Views : 25872 Level Passwords 1-2 CVJB 8888 1-3 GVJD 8888 1-4 RVJH 8888 1-5 XVJS 8888 1-6 XVJY 8888 1-7 8VBY 8888 1-8 CYDY 8888 1-9 MYHY 8888 1-10 TYSY 8888 2-1 TZ_ _ 8888 2-2 QZVJ B888 2-3 OZVJ D888 2-4 8ZVJ H888 2-5 ?ZVJ S888 2-6 ?ZVJ Y888 2-7 CZVB Y888 2-8 QZYD Y888 2-9 4ZYH Y888 2-10 KZYS Y888 3-1 KZ_ _ Z888 3-2 6ZZV JB88 3-3 TZZV JD88 3-4 CZZV JH88 3-5 2ZZV JS88 3-6 2ZZV JY88 3-7 QZZV BY88 3-8 6ZZY DY88 3-9 XZZY HY88 3-10 RZZY SY88 4-1 RZ_ _ ZZ88 4-2 JZZZ VJB8 4-3 KZZZ VJD8 4-4 QZZZ VJH8 4-5 VZZZ VJS8 4-6 VZZZ VJY8 4-7 6ZZZ VBY8 4-8 JZZZ YDY8 4-9 ?ZZZ YHY8 4-10 8ZZZ YSY8 5-1 8Z_ _ ZZZ8 5-2 MZZZ ZVJB 5-3 RZZZ ZVJD 5-4 6ZZZ ZVJH 5-5 6ZZZ ZVJS 5-6 GZZZ ZVJY 5-7 JZZZ ZVBY 5-8 MZZZ ZYDY 5-9 2ZZZ ZYHY 5-10 CZZZ ZYSY End CZ_ _ ZZZZ Note: "_" indicates a space. Key to Every Level At the Title screen, before Start and Password appears, press A, B, A, B, B, A, Up. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Solomon's Club cheat codes.
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